About T.M.R Woodford


About T.M.R. Woodford

T.M.R Woodford is a father, mentor, coach, strategist, entrepreneur, and founder of the Wealthy Being TM movement. Born and raised as an only child to a 16-year-old single mother in Newark, NJ, he faced numerous challenges during a volatile era marked by crime, violence, and poverty. Thanks to his mentors, he not only survived but also acquired essential self-defense, disciplinary, and leadership skills early in life. T.M.R also learned the power of perseverance, which has contributed to his success as a leader from his teenage years to the present day.

T.M.’s professional journey began in entertainment and sales, where he worked as a talent scout for record labels and a sales representative. Disliking traditional sales methods, he adopted a unique approach, calling leads with the intention of connecting rather than selling. Surprisingly, his “no sales selling” approach made him the top salesperson within just 2-3 months.

After holding various positions in the entertainment industry, such as vocal producer, songwriter, studio manager, touring, and road manager, T.M.R decided to establish an entertainment consulting company. Given his strong executive sales background, he created a sales strategy division within the firm. However, after the 2009 recession and a few setbacks, T.M.R recognized the need for a change in direction. Realizing that small businesses required more access to capital than his expertise as a business strategist, he pivoted his firm into the world of finance. This decision introduced him to a financial mentor who advised him to focus on asset protection and private banking, which led him to yet another financial mentor who reshaped his entire perspective on finance.

Subsequently, T.M.R became a senior consultant in his financial mentor’s firm, significantly advancing his knowledge of finances. Presently, He serves as managing partner of Drive Planning, a full service financial firm, helping many individuals achieve financial freedom. In 2018, he founded a fin-tech company dedicated to insuring crypto from loss, which has been tremendously successful. In 2020, inspired by the pandemic, he launched another fin-tech company aimed at using technology to simplify and expedite the journey to financial freedom for the uninformed. While he experienced early success with this venture, he recognized the persistent wealth disparity between different economic groups. Reflecting on his disciplined upbringing, he realized that true success required balancing various aspects of life and ensuring a considerable degree of success in each.

This realization led to the creation and trademarking of the Wealthy Being TM movement. The focus of Wealthy Being is to develop and quantify the skills necessary for success in all areas of life.

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What does Drive Planning do?

Drive Planning is a full service financial firm dedicated to helping its clients keep more of their money, make more with their money, and design the life of their dreams. This is done by mitigating the risk of financial loss through advance financial modeling geared toward helping its clients reengineer their financial picture. This ensures proper protection of assets in order to save them from loss and grow their value.

Career Evolution and Success

T.M.R Woodford, Money Mike, began working with and being mentored by Financial Strategist, Todd Burkalter, Founder of Drive Planning nearly 7 years ago. After well over a decade working as a business strategy consultant , T.M. saw the need to pivot into financial services, expanding his business consulting offering into the financial sector. His business acumen afforded him an offer with Drive as a Senior Financial Consultant. Within a relatively short period, he was elevated to the position of Managing Partner over the Atlanta/Midtown Offices for Drive Planning.